A-D advection-dispersion
AFCEE Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment
AMA American Management Association
bgs below ground surface
cDCE cis-1,2-dichloroethene
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Resource, Conservation, and Liability Act
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
COC contaminant of concern
CSM conceptual site model
CVOC chlorinated volatile organic compound
DCE dichloroethene
DNAPL dense, nonaqueous-phase liquid
DOD U.S. Department of Defense
ECOS Environmental Council of the States
EGDY East Gate Disposal Yard
Eh common measurement of oxidation-reduction (redox) potential
EISB enhanced in situ bioremediation
ERH electrical resistance heating
ERIS Environmental Research Institute of the States
ESB Engineering Support Building
ESTCP Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
GETS groundwater extraction and treatment system
HHE human health and the environment
IDSS integrated DNAPL site strategy
IFT interfacial tension
INEEL Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
ISB in situ bioremediation
ISCO in situ chemical oxidation
ISCR in situ chemical reduction
ITRC Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council
K hydraulic conductivity
LC-34 Launch Complex 34
LNAPL light, nonaqueous-phase liquid
MAROS Monitoring and Remediation Optimization System
MCL maximum contaminant level
MNA monitored natural attenuation
MPE multiphase extraction
NAPL nonaqueous-phase liquid
NPL National Priorities List
O&M operation and maintenance
OoM order of magnitude
OU operable unit
P&T pump and treat
PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
PCE perchloroethene (tetrachloroethene)
PRB permeable reactive barrier
RAO remedial action objective
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RI Remedial Investigation
ROD record of decision
S/S solidification/stabilization
SMART specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, time-bound
SVE soil vapor extraction
SVOC semivolatile organic compound
TAN Test Area North
TCE trichloroethene
TCH thermal conduction heating
USEPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
VC vinyl chloride
VOC volatile organic compound
ZVI zero-valent iron